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Baltic Sea regions: clusters strengthening local and European value chains

One-on-one matchmaking meetings, pitching opportunities and inspirational plenary sessions promise joint projects, collaboration opportunities and new strategic partnerships.

Registration is now open.

The European Commission (EC) continues to facilitate cooperation between actors for the reinforcement of supply chains in the context of the geopolitical situation and the COVID pandemic.

With this aim, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) organises a matchmaking event in partnership with the Lithuanian Ministry of the Economy and Innovation, European Cluster Collaboration Platform, Agri-food Lithuania DIH, the Lithuanian Food Exporters Association, and the European Clusters Alliance (ECA). Logistical support is provided by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and the Enterprise Europe Network Lithuania.

The event will take place virtually (through B2Match) and physically in PACAI Hotel (Didžioji g. 7, Vilnius 01128, Lithuania) on Wednesday 27th of April 2022.

It will be held as one of the series “Clusters Meet Regions” events in order to strengthen connections and promote cooperation among clusters, businesses, researchers, financial providers and other related organisations and institutions which can contribute to the resilience of the EU industrial ecosystems.

The event is targeting mainly those industrial ecosystems representing a priority for the Baltic Region and namely:

  • Agri-food
  • Automotive
  • Chemicals (mainly plastics)
  • Engineering (mainly lasers and photonics)
  • Health technologies (mainly biotechnologies)
  • Industrial Information and Communication Technologies
  • Wood (incl. furniture)

The objectives of the event are as follows:

    • Exploring trade, investment, and partnering opportunities to initiate and deepen cluster collaboration among European cluster organisations, SMEs, Regional Development Agencies, and other organisations.
    • Creating links between Europe's value chains, clusters, and ecosystems; and
    • Encouraging participants' discussion and networking, which would eventually lead to the establishment and signing of Letters of Interest, Memorandums of Understanding, and other forms of collaboration agreements.

Target group

This ECCP Matchmaking Event is targeting cluster organisations, enterprises, other business support organisations and national/regional public agencies interested in collaboration, mostly from the Baltic Sea areas, but also from other EU Member States/regions and other COSME participating countries. See list of non-EU participants in the COSME programme here: http://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/27019.

The targeted participants come from the following key areas of activity : Agri-food, Automotive, Chemicals (mainly plastics), Engineering (mainly lasers and photonics), Health technologies (mainly biotechnologies), Industrial Information and Communication Technologies, Wood (incl. furniture).

Participants registering to this ECCP matchmaking event should be willing and committed to participate in the scheduled matches.


  • Preparatory webinar - Wednesday, 5th of April 2022. 10:00h CET. ZOOM.
  • Technical live webinar - Thursday, 21st of April 2022. 10:00h CET. ZOOM “Please register in the Technical Webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_84MV3uLzRhaQE6Dl1BLgTw
    An occasion to obtain guidance on how to successfully participate in the scheduled event.
  • Hybrid Matchmaking Sessions – Wednesday, 27th of April 2022 CET. An opportunity to network within the European cluster and business community through pre-scheduled one-on-one virtual meetings.

27 April 2022 – Matchmaking event - Time (CET)

Please bear in mind the on-site event will take place in Lithuania, then the start time of the physical event will be adjusted to EET.

08.30 – 09.30 EU Clusters Talks

Moderator: Antonio Novo. European Clusters Alliance President.

09.30 – 10.30 Opening and Pitching session: Cooperation proposals forum

Moderator: Teodora Jilkova. European Cluster Collaboration platform Team. Veritas Cluster.

The Clusters meet Regions organization provides a space for the clusters and regions to present themselves, their collaboration proposals and expand their network partners. Participation as a panellist in this part of the conference is open to any event delegate and by previous registration as a panellist to pitch.

10.30 – 11.30 Matchmaking Events as boosters of business opportunities

Moderator: Agnė Jaraitė. Head of International Relations and Protocol Department

Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, EEN in Lithuania

Testimonials, inspirational practical cases, and previous experiences in Matchmaking Events with Baltic/Lithuanian organisations.

11.30 – 12.30 Networking Lunch / Lunch Break

12.30 – 14.00 Matchmaking Meetings

14.00 – 14.30 Coffee-Break

14.30 – 16.00 Matchmaking Meetings

16.00 – 16.30 Debriefing Session / Online Survey

Moderator: Agnė Jaraitė. Head of International Relations and Protocol Department

Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, EEN in Lithuania


The on-site event will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Therefore, the applicable time for the on-site matchmaking event will be EET instead of CET. Please consider this when scheduling your meetings.

How to Apply

The deadline for registration through B2match for on-site participation to the matchmaking event is April 25th 2022, 23.59h CET. Applications for on-site participation received after this deadline will not be accepted.

Participants will receive a confirmation e-mail after the validation of their profile in B2Match. We advise participants to fully complete their profiles before starting to schedule meetings.

If you have any questions, please contact the ECCP team at eumatchmaking@clustercollaboration.eu.

For the purposes of the matchmaking event, your personal data is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 2018/1725 on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data.


The European Commission will be glad to support and promote companies’ communication activities regarding their participation in this event, in particular any business cooperation agreements.

Visit ECCP for further information on cluster collaboration and support.

Click here.

Organised by
Ukraine 218
Italy 105
Lithuania 97
Germany 87
Poland 86
Spain 45
Romania 45
Latvia 33
Portugal 29
France 28
Hungary 27
Taiwan 26
Greece 21
Belgium 20
Serbia 19
Netherlands 18
Malta 16
Croatia 16
Estonia 15
Finland 12
Denmark 8
Cyprus 8
Switzerland 8
Austria 7
Bulgaria 7
Slovakia 7
Slovenia 5
United Kingdom 3
Ireland 3
Czech Republic 3
Egypt 3
China 3
Bosnia And Herzegovina 2
India 2
North Macedonia 2
Peru 1
Sweden 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
United States 1
Iraq 1
Türkiye 1
Panama 1
Japan 1
Venezuela 1
Viet Nam 1
Ecuador 1
Thailand 1
Australia 1
South Africa 1
Pakistan 1
Total 1049
Manufacturer 487
Service provider (design, engineering, IT) 119
Distributor, Wholesaler, Importer 89
Other 88
Supplier, sub-contractor 79
Agency, Association 78
Consulting (business, tax, legal) 46
Academia, R&D institution 32
Government, Authority 20
Investor & Financial services 2
Total 1040
Profile views
Total 33645